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General information:

  • The teaching year runs from September 2024 to June 2025 (no lessons during Christmas Break or Spring Break, but there are lessons on Pro-D days and Stat Holidays) for a total of 36 lessons. Students are expected to commit to the entire year.

  • One month’s notice must be given before withdrawal, or one month’s fees in lieu of notice.

  • There is no deduction for missed lessons unless cancelled by me.  Make-up lessons will be provided if notice is given.  However, no-shows will not be made up and will be charged for. 

  • Recommended length of lessons are as follows:

  • Beginner to Piano Level 1: ½ hour lesson

  • Piano Levels 2 to 5: ¾ hour lesson

  • Piano Level 6 to 8: 1 hour lesson

  • Piano Level 9 and up: 1 ¼ hour lesson

Practice information:

  • The student must have a piano or keyboard in the home on which to practice.

  • Regular practice is vital for lessons to be profitable and enjoyable.  I ask that students practice a minimum of 4 days per week according to my instructions, which are detailed in writing. 

  • Most students need parental help to establish a regular practice routine.  This includes:

  • Printing off the lesson instructions to refer to at home (if a printer is not available, please provide a notebook for lesson instructions to be recorded at the lesson).

  • Working out a practice routine that works for the family (at least 4 days per week).

  • Providing reminders as needed for the week’s practice.

  • Young students will need additional help in addition to the above, as follows:

    • Attending lessons and observing the lesson.

    • Sitting in on the student’s practice for at least the first few days to ensure that it is done according to instructions.

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